Sunday, October 18, 2009

:: kegilaan ::

lagu kesukaan skrgg neh.hehe.

enjoy sume :))

Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down,
Even if the sky is falling down,
Down, down
Ooh (ohhh)

(verse 1)

You oughta know, tonight is the night to let it go,
Put on a show, i wanna see how you lose control,


So leave it behind `cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape.


So baby don`t worry, you are my only,
You won`t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You`ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down,
Even if the sky is falling down,

(verse 2)

Just let it be, come on and bring your body next to me,
I`ll take you away, hey, turn this place into our private getaway,


So leave it behind `cause we, have a night to get away,
So come on and fly with me, as we make our great escape,

(so why don`t we run away)


So baby don`t worry, you are my only,
You won`t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You`ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down,
Even if the sky is falling down,

Lil wayne
(verse 3)
Even if the sky is falling down like she supposed to be,
She gets down low for me,
Down like her temperature, `cause to me she zero degree,
She cold, overfreeze,
I got that girl from overseas,
Now she my miss america,
Now can i be her soldier please,
I`m fighting for this girl,
I`m a battlefield of love,
Don`t it look like baby cupid sent his arrows from above,
Don`t you ever leave the side of me,
Indefinitely, not probably,
And honestly im down like the economy,


So baby don`t worry, you are my only,
You won`t be lonely, even if the sky is falling down,
You`ll be my only, no need to worry,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down,
Baby are you down down down down down,
Down, down,
Even if the sky is falling down

Saturday, October 10, 2009

:: karaoke ::

5 october 2009

klas seperti biase..start at 11am and finished at 4pm..
then our next destination is nilai..
our fren house.

kami pergi ber3..aku,izza n ila..azah xmo ikot..
si izza la nii..nak g sane semate2 nak amek lipgloss die.tah pape.haha.
mem kitorg ni jual brg o9..
si izza ni smgt sgt..teman je laa..hehe.lg pown mish kat yayang i ni..
uyun..lame xjumpe.hee
at last..smpi gak kat umah die nii.hee

pastu next destinantion is karaoke!
bluebox nilai is da place.hee
dekat je ngan umah si uyun neh.

memule sesegan kunun.
pastu beriye..hehe
our ratu nyanyi.haha
murah je kat cni.
bilik pown oke.

nak lagi..nak lagi..haha!

:: syawal vs open house ::

open house time!

bese la..bulan ni time for we to go to our fren and family houses.
mane2 yang da lame xjumpe tu..
besh gler dpt jumpe lik

yang besh tu si nadia suggest wat reunion dak2 skool in pot luck party.
kirenyerr memasing kene bwk makanan sendiri la..
ramai2 bwk, jd la byk kan?

aku dtg ngan nabila.b4 tu g beraye kat kajang..
umah member si cik nab neh.hee
blurr kot nak bawak ape.
last2 call nad die kate xyah bawak..makanan bykk gler!
otw drive lik dr kajang tu depan mate nampak tesco.singgah r jap..
pastu bli sponge kek.bwk la sket at least!haha.
so funny la..gelak2 plak si nabila neh.maloo2 ;p


fadil wit lely n yana

aku mmg xleh kalo jumpe yana nii..nak tergelak jer!

mem2 skola yg da lame gler xjumpe.hee!


next..farrahin house plak.
menu laksa n spaghetti

pic bwh bersame owner open housenyerr.hee

farra sempat2 wat cupcakes yg comeyy..

last destinantion is feeza house.
adoii..penoh pewot nii..hee

my bestie..ayu n feeza

have a great day on dat day!
mish korg sume

to be continued....


open house kembali lagi..

kami di open house again n again..

our classmate, BAEM open ouse =]

kami bersame tuan rumah n tuan umah punyerrr tutttt..yanie..
(bak kate baem la kan..hehe)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

::facebook owner::

Sebelum ini heboh diperkatakan tentang kebocoran maklumat-maklumat peribadi mereka yang mempunyai akaun facebook.

Tahukah anda bahawa Facebook telah berjaya mengaut keuntungan sebanyak USD300 juta pada tahun 2008? Ini tidak menghairankan kerana ia disokong oleh 140 juta pengguna aktif di seluruh dunia dan sejumlah 8.5 juta foto dimuat turun setiap hari.

Tahukah anda bahawa pengasas Facebook, iaitu Mark Zuckerberg dilahirkan dalam sebuah keluarga Yahudi-Amerika dan dibesarkan di Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, New York?

Tahukah anda bahawa Mark Zuckerberg semasa menuntut di Universiti Harvard telah menggodam laman sesawang universiti untuk mendapatkan profail peribadi para pelajar tanpa kebenaran mereka? Maka, adakah jaminan terhadap profail peribadi para pelanggan Facebook tatkala kini beliau adalah merupakan CEO-nya?

Tahukah anda bahawa Majalah Time telah mengiktiraf Zuckerberg dalam ranking ke 52 daripada 101 tokoh sebagai antara ‘tokoh paling berpengaruh dunia 2008รข€², iaitu sebaris dengan nama besar Barrack Obama dan Dalai Lama?

Tahukah anda bahawa majalah Forbes Top400 telah menyenaraikan Mark Zuckerberg sebagai individu ke-321 terkaya Amerika daripada 400 individu lain pada 2008? Namun apa yang lebih penting, Zuckerberg merupakan individu termuda pernah disenaraikan Forbes, ketika usianya baru mencecah 24 tahun dengan kekayaan peribadi sebanyak USD1..5 billion.

Tahukah anda bahawa Mark Zuckerberg, CEO Facebook adalah merupakan seorang ahli aktif kepada sebuah pertubuhan persaudaraan Yahudi Amerika Utara, Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity (AEPi)?

Sedikit Info tentang AEPi:

1) Diasaskan untuk membantu lelaki Yahudi mencari pasangan Yahudinya.
2) Ia juga bertujuan untuk mengekal dan menguatkan hubungan sesama Yahudi diperingkat sekolah tinggi dan di bidang pekerjaan nanti…
3) Mengekalkan idealisme Yahudi supaya terjaga di sudut nilai, etika, dan menyiapkan peserta untuk menjadi pemimpin negara dan organisasi Yahudi pada masa depan dan dalam pelbagai lapangan bidang profesional.
4) Mark Zuckerberg termasuk dalam senarai alumni AEPi yang masyhur namanya.
5) AEPi berkait secara langsung dengan Israel melalui Ikatan Inisiatif Israel
6) AEPi sangat berkait rapat dengan kebanyakan pertubuhan Yahudi/Zionis antarabangsa seperti AIPAC, Hillel, Israel on Campus Coalition, Aish HaTorah, Chabad on Campus, Hasbara Fellowships, B’inai Brith International, Shaare Zedek, Chai Lifeline, Holocaust Museum, dan Gift of Life.

Dan tahukah anda bahawa keuntungan Facebook datang daripada iklan-iklan yang dipapar. Semakin banyak pengguna dan pengunjung Facebook, maka semakin banyak pulalah keuntungannya. Pergi ke manakah pula semua keuntungan tersebut?

Persoalan paling besar di sini ialah, adakah keuntungan besar yang diperolehi oleh Facebook turut digunakan untuk membiayai dana perang Israel menentang umat Islam di Gaza, Palestin dan umat Islam di seluruh dunia?

Friday, October 2, 2009

::sekadar renungan::


Mengapa seseorang Yahudi dibolehkan menyimpan janggut untuk mengamalkan kepercayaannya...
...tetapi bila seorang Muslim berbuat demikian, dia dianggap ekstrim dan pengganas?

Mengapa seseorang rahib boleh meliputi keseluruhan tubuhnya kerana memperhambakan diri kepada Tuhannya...

...tetapi bila seseorang Muslimah melakukan begitu, dia ditekan?

Mengapa bila wanita barat menjadi surirumah,
dia dihormati kerana dikatakan berkorban untuk keluarganya...
...tetapi bila wanita Islam berbuat begitu, mereka kata, "dia mesti dibebaskan!"

Mengapa mana-mana gadis boleh ke universiti dengan berpakaian mengikut kesukaannya kerana punyai hak dan kebebasan...
...tetapi bila seseorang wanita Muslim memakai hijab, dia tidak boleh menjejakkan kakinya ke universiti?

Mengapa bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati sesuatu bidang, dia dikatakan punyai bakat...
...tetapi bila seseorang kanak-kanak meminati Islam, dia dikatakan tak berguna?

Mengapa bila seseorang Kristian atau Yahudi membunuh, agamanya tidak dikaitkan... tetapi baru sahaja seseorang Muslim didakwa melakukan jenayah, nama Islam turut diadili!
Mengapa bila seseorang berkorban diri untuk melihat orang lain hidup, dia amat disanjungi...
...tetapi bila seseorang warga Palestin melakukannya untuk menyelamatkan diri, keluarga, rumahtangga dan masjidnya,
dia dikenali sebagai seorang pengganas?

Mengapa bila seseorang memandu kereta mewah dengan cara bahaya, keretanya tidak pernah dipertikaikan...
.....tetapi bila seseorang Muslim melakukan kesalahan, orang kata ia adalah kerana agama Islamnya!

Mengapa kita terlalu percaya kepada akhbar...
...tetapi selalu persoalkan apa yang terkandung di dalam Al-Quranul Karim?



Thursday, September 24, 2009

::eppi eid-mubarak::

Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Allahuakbar
Lailahailallahu Allahuakbar Allahuakbar Walillahilham

sayup2 kedengaran di pendengaranku.
beshnyerr..yeay! raye da.
stelah sebulan berpuase akhirnye raye gak!hee

sblm tu ni lah hasilnyer..


sedap kot! makanan yg wajib ade tiap kali syawal..setahun skali tu..
xley lepas peluang neh!
x sah if xde taw. pastu mesti ade rendang ayam n rendang daging..yummy2!!

then, mlm tu wat kuah kacang n nasi impit..adoii..makan je keje raye nii.. tape.sedap kott..bkn senang camneh..hee

ni lah my kampung di n9 =]
saye owg negeri sembilan.hee.

preparation..isi minyak pelita..nak men mercun mlm raye.

ni lah sebahagian mercun yg kami maen malam raye.
were havin' so much fun!!

mercun punye pasal..hehe

muke2 gembire ma lil sis n amir our kazen..

fam side mama

fam side babah

due2 side ade yg xlik lg..kene fair n square lah kan..hee.
nnt gado plak. hehe lah my family..
aku aka kak long, abg syahmi, angah n da bongsuness..laila..
mama n babah.
lurve u ol!

kami sedondon raye kali neh.
haha.memasing nak tunjuk angpow..yeay! dpt lg..
even sume kate nak cut kali da kate student..dapat lg laa..hee..yesz!

wit siblings, kazen2 n auntie, mak da n mak uda.

da penat raye2..lepak lg.hehehe..
wit my luvly kazen bside me..
kak long adeeb..

lastly..saye nak ucap
kpd sume frenss if ade..

TERsilap bicara,
TERmarah yang tak kena,
TERtanya tak tentu hala,
TERsasul yang tak sengaja,
TERpukul kat mana-mana,
TERpekik di telinga,
TERhantuk di kepala,
TERpinjam harta benda,
TERmoody tak semena-semena,
TERumpat bila-bila,
TERusik yg sengaja,
dan segala macam 'TER' lagi
Maaf Zahir & Batin!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

::fav songssss::

::all american rejects::
i wanna touch you

tanx kat azah cuz tlg downloadkan ini lagu..
toce2 ya..
mari nyanyi same2..

I never thought that I was so blind
I can finally see the truth
It's me for you

Tonight you can't imagine that I'm by your side
'cause it's never gonna be the truth
so far for you

But can you hear me say
Don't throw me away
there's no way out
I gotta hold you somehow

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
you wanna touch me too
Everyday, but all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
you wanna touch me too
every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me

Take everything that I know you'll break
and I give my life away so far to you

Can you hear me say
don't throw me away
There's no way out
I gotta hold you somehow

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Everyday, but all I have is time
Our love's the perfect crime

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna touch you
You wanna touch me too
Every way and when they set me free
Just put your hands on me


Tonight I'm weak
It's just another day without you
That I can't sleep
I give it away, away all for you too
Hear me say, don't throw me away
There's no way out
I gotta hold you somehow
All I wanna do is touch you

Sunday, September 6, 2009

::he likes me..doesn't he??::

He Likes Me -- Doesn't He?

Times have changed. That's a shame in some ways. At least it made dating simple. Nowadays, guys try to be considerate in an attempt to not hurt your feelings. His miscues make it hard to know whether he's really into you, just wants to be friends or would love for you to switch phone plans. While words might not be his strong point, his actions are. Keep an eye out for these kinds of behavior.
  1. He actively takes an interest in you and what you have to say. He's not just nodding and smiling and checking his watch every five minutes like you're trying to sell him life insurance. There's eye contact. He's actively listening. He's asking questions, relating things you say to his own experiences. If he's really good, he'll remember something you said and incorporate it in a future date. Try not to act too surprised.
  2. He's forthcoming. He wants you to know about him. This manifests itself in a bunch of ways. He'll share personal details about himself. He'll even be eager to cough up basic factoids such as phone numbers, his address and place of work. If he isn't giving up this kind of info, then he doesn't want you tracking him down -- or he's Batman or Superman. So if he doesn't live at Wayne Manor or the Fortress of Solitude, give it up.
  3. He'll mark his territory. He won't pee on you or anything per se, but he will exhibit some animal behavior. If he's decided he wants you as his female, he won't want to lose you. If there's any chance that you might be snapped up by another male, he'll stake his claim. He'll be tactile with you, slipping an arm around you, possibly posturing and standing up when another guy walks onto the scene. Watch out for some regression to a more primitive man. If you hear grunting, don't panic. It's his way of saying he likes you.
  4. He calls you back. Despite the stereotype, he will call you back. If you're a girl in demand, he won't want you to be the one that got away, so he'll call you to set up the next date or ask how you're doing. If you're getting calls for no reason, that's a good thing. However, you may want to invest in a good phone plan.
  5. He'll check you out. You'll bring out his spy skills in a good way. He'll talk to your friends to get the 411 on you. He wants to know more about you -- your past, your present, your likes and dislikes, water hazards, etc. He's doing his homework because he wants to impress you. He's gathering this intelligence so he knows how best to woo you.
  6. He's flirtatious. Guys get playful around women they like. It's a little dance he's doing around you to show his interest and his daring. However, he's not just being flirty, he's also probing. He's putting on a little show for you to see if you'll reciprocate. The more you play, the more he stays. Now shake that tail feather.
  7. He's always planning ahead. If he digs you, he won't want you getting away from him. To make sure you aren't prey to some other guy, he'll be making plans for the next date before the current one is over. A full calendar is a good sign.
  8. He's attentive. He's been listening to you, and knows what you like and where you like to go. He treats you to your favorite things and places. He'll spring surprises.
  9. He'll blow off his buddies to be with you. It's always tricky managing existing commitments with burgeoning relationships. There are bound to be conflicts of interest at the some point. So take it as a good sign when he'll ditch going out with the boys to see you instead.
  10. Acts of selflessness. He'll take one for the team of you and him. These can be large or small acts. They can be as small as holding your hair back for when you've got stomach flu, or as large as suffering through a Celine Dion concert and pretend he's enjoying it because you're a fan. Now “that's the power of love.”

Okay, he's doing his part, but what about you? You've got him wrapped around your little finger, but don't get cocky. You can lose him in the blink of an eye with a few classic screw-ups...

so out..have an eye staring at u out there..might be a prince charming?

who know's rite??


Friday, August 21, 2009

::salam ramadhan::

salam ramadhan al-mubarak to all muslim pepel out there..
semoga di bulan ramadhan ini kite sume mendapat keberkatan Allah S.W.T
jgn ponteng2 pose oke..
rajin2 kan diri tuk g semayang tarawih..
doa bebanyakk..
luv u ol my frenn..

::new me::

18 august 2009
new me..

Saturday, August 15, 2009

::action kamen::

jangan tiru aksi ini


Ia sejenis masalah pernafasan yang disebabkan virus influenza A dijangkiti babi. Ada banyak jenis virus dan jangkitannya sentiasa berubah. Ia sebelum ini tidak menjangkiti manusia, tetapi keadaan ketika ini membuktikan sebaliknya dan mudah tersebar di antara manusia, dipercayai menerusi batuk dan bersin.

Ia juga jenis baru virus H1N1 yang turut menyebabkan wabak besar-besaran demam selesema pada 1918. Rawatan yang ada setakat ini berkesan, tetapi ia tidak mempunyai sebarang vaksin. Biarpun H1N1 ialah jenis sama yang menyebabkan jangkitan demam selesema di kalangan manusia, tetapi versi terbaru virus ini amat berbeza. Ia mengandungi bahan genetik yang lazimnya ditemui dalam virus yang dijangkiti manusia, unggas dan babi.

disebabkan itulah, pada 13 august 2009 kami bersepakat untuk mamakai mask yg diberi oleh pihak kolej.

fiza n dilla

ila..dilla..n azah

walaupun kami dikutuk oleh sowg mamat dlm lif..
ayat die lebeyh kurang camni laa..
'korg ingat mate korg lawa la pki mask ni??'
siot la..ngok ngek tol.
da lame idop agaknyerrr..

mencegah lebih baik oke.
so kawan2..marilah bersama2 pki mask k..
luv u all..

ila..dilla..azah n fiza